Productions and films in existence or development:
Live Productions
“Odyssey- A youth opera” by Ben Moore and Kelly Rourke
National Children’s Chorus Production
“Soldier Songs” by David T. Little
Live adaptation of the Opera Philadelphia Film
“Wozzeck” in collaboration with David t. Little
“Die Zauberflöte'“ by W.A. Mozart
“The man with night sweats” and “comfort starving” A double bill by Iain Bell
“portrait and a dream” by Brian Petuch
“Die schöne müllerin” in collaboration with Ricardo Garcia
“The man with night sweats” by iain bell
“Comfort starving” by iain bell
“Schubert in solitude” in collaboration with Matilda Hay, George fu, and Lotte- betts dean
For inquiries about any of these projects, please use the contact page.